Day 11 : Senzoku Gakuen

Hey, Jr here. We had a really good time hanging out at Senzoku gakuen and if you think Lasalle College of the arts in Singapore is modern, You ain’t seen nothing yet. This music college is about 3 times bigger than Lasalle and it feels good to see so many musicians carrying different instruments walking around the campus. Well, i know it’s a music college but we don’t get to see that kind of thing in Singapore or at least that’s what i feel. We were told that a jazz big band will be there and they will be playing one of our original tunes ” Zerox” arranged by Matsumoto Sensei.

We met Aya’s teacher who was teaching her in Berklee back then and also finally saw Matsumoto Sensei catching up from far. We strolled through the campus feeling super awesome. Hearing music everywhere and cute japanese chicks all around, what’s there not to like? We eventually settled down in a practice room waiting for further instructions. Super spacious and simple room with a piano, 2 Mark Bass amps and a small Yamama maple custom drum kit.  We met a few more students who were moving the 2nd drum kit in and yes, 2 DRUMS KITS and 2 BASS AMPS YO!! We set up everything and were obviously waiting to start shedding. As expected, it was really fun and personally i haven’t shed for a long time so it’s extra exciting for me.

More students started coming into the room and before we know it, they started playing their tunes. I’ve always been a big fan of big band music and to experience it right in front of me, there were really no words to describe that feeling. They played 2 tunes before inviting us to play. After playing our third tune, Michaela and Tim were asked to join the big band to play “Zerox” with the special arrangement by Matsumoto sensei. They started playing and i couldn’t believe what i was hearing. “Zerox” with that amazing big band sound, it’s just WOW!!! Later on, Aya and i joined in and the rest is up to your own imagination. HAHA

It was a really cool experience witnessing all these magic and meeting so many new friends. We had a really good time hanging out and we hope to come back again someday. For now, I will just let the pictures speak for itself. Ciao!




















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